The Haflinger Society of Great Britain holds the Registry of the only Purebred Haflinger Studbook in Great Britain. Approved by Defra to issue all Haflinger Passports

On this page you can find all documents and policies relating to breeding, registration & studbook management: this includes transfers of ownership as well as the importing & exporting of Haflingers.
Photography by Jane Eardley
The Haflinger Society of Great Britain holds the Registry of the only Purebred Haflinger Studbook in Great Britain and is approved by Defra to issue all Haflinger Passports. As a Breed Society, we seek to constantly improve our breeding program in conjunction with our breeders, following the Tyrolean Haflinger Breeder’s Association (The Haflinger Pferdezuchtverband Tyrol) in the betterment of the breed in the UK.
Performance breeding
Within the framework of the prescribed aims of the GB breeding program for the Haflinger, the Society pursues the following aims:
1. The promotion of diverse uses based on performance predisposition
2. The retention of breed standards, whilst promoting health and fertility
3. The retention of the Haflinger breed's genetic diversity (bloodlines) in pure breeding
Part of the Society’s aims is to promote the Haflinger within the UK by breeding animals that are versatile (because of performance predisposition) as well as maintaining the breed standards and encouraging the retention of the Haflinger breed’s genetic diversity (bloodlines) in pure breeding.
For registration of offspring within the HSGB studbook, breeding is exclusively with purebred Haflingers, with ancestors that are purebred for at least 6 generations on both paternal and maternal sides. The permitted mares and stallions of the Haflinger breed are those in section 1 of our studbook and are in accordance with the rules of the mother studbook, (Haflinger Pferdezuchtverband Tirol) with Haflinger breeding horses being descendants of the compact small horse, with the stallion 249 Folie (1874) as the founder of the Haflinger breed.
The paternal line of ancestors all go back to Folie, with 7 distinct lines currently recognised:
A – Anselmo (1926)
B – Bolzano (1915)
M – Massimo (1927)
N – Nibbio (1920)
S – Stelvio (1923)
St – Student (1927)
W – Willi (1921)
Male offspring take the Line letter(s) of the sire’s name, female offspring of the dam’s name.
Foreign breeds are not permitted in the line of ancestors, but a maximum ratio of thoroughbred Arabian of 1.56% is permitted to be registered in Section 2 of the studbook (calculated over 6 generations of ancestors) and must show the % thoroughbred Arabian blood after the name of the horse (if over 0.09%), but these horses are not permitted in the breeding programme of the Haflinger Society of Great Britain.
TheStudbook Rules & Breeding Programme
is available to download here
Characteristics of the breed
The aims are for an expressive, versatile animal true to the specific characteristics of riding horses; a noble, sweet-natured, undemanding, capable and motivated Haflinger with a good character, which may be used for all riding and driving purposes by children and adults. It should also be possible to use the Haflinger as a workhorse.
There are seven genealogical bloodlines – A, B, M, N, S, St and W.
Basic colours: all shades of chestnut from pale chestnut to dark liver. The colour should be full and pure, white hairs and a dorsal stripe are not desirable. Head markings are permitted, leg markings are not desirable.
Mane and tail: light or white is desirable, slightly reddish mane and tail tolerated, but red, mottled greyish to grey is not acceptable.

A distinct character, sweet nature, versatile, motivated, and capable horse is desired, suited to
all types of use. This is especially important for use in recreational sports.
Other traits
A healthy, fertile, robust horse suited to all types of use.
The Haflinger Society of Great Britain produces our own passports which are issued by the Registrar.
The passport acts as a record of the horses' life data including identification, ownership, pedigree, vaccinations, etc.
One of the main objectives of the Haflinger Society of Great Britain is to preserve and improve the standard of the Haflinger breed. The inspection process is central to this objective.
The Society’s Articles of Association specify that inspectors should work as a team under the direction of the Committee. The duties of the team are to:
Maintain inspection standards laid down by the World Haflinger Federation
Be responsible for carrying out inspections as required by the Stud Book Rules
Make recommendations to the committee for the structure of the training programme for potential inspectors and judges
Be responsible for conducting the training programme for potential inspectors and judges
Make recommendations to the Committee as and when necessary in relation to each of the duties referred to above.
Over the years the inspection process has been discussed and refined in order to comply with these aims. In the early years animals were generally inspected at home by one or two inspectors. During the 1990s inspections moved to a central location and owners and breeders brought their horses forward for assessment and inspection. There are many advantages to this system including:
Facilities – ideally inspections should take place in an appropriately sized arena with a suitable surface with the possibility of an undercover/indoor area in case of bad weather. A hard area for measuring is also needed.
Health and safety – associated with this the Society has a duty to ensure the safety of the horses and members of the public. If horses are to be branded this needs to be done in a safe area. The Society has an insurance policy that covers a certain number of inspection events, but this would not include activities at owners’ premises.
Number of inspectors available – the ideal is to have a team of inspectors working together and also to involve trainees.
Other personnel involved – apart from inspectors there is the backup team measuring, scanning, DNA testing, photographing and issuing passports.
Fairness – it is vital to ensure that an inspector does not inspect an animal he or she owns, has bred, has produced or sold. It should also be recognised that horses being inspected in their own home might be at an unfair advantage. Finally, it might also be difficult for an inspector to be truly impartial when he/she is at someone’s house.
Number of horses being seen together – this is invaluable for both inspectors and breeders to see and compare horses.
Training of inspectors – one clear message from our recent survey is that members wish to be assured that our inspectors are well trained, updated, and consistent in their assessments. They also wanted new trainees to be encouraged and mentored. This sort of training is most easily achieved by a group of inspectors working as a team in a centrally based location.
We are very aware that some members will have to travel a considerable distance to attend our inspections. When the inspections are planned the Registrar takes account of the location of horses due to be inspected and tries to organise a venue that is centrally placed for the majority of owners. In 2011 the inspections were held over two days in different locations to take account of this. Horses only have to be inspected once in their life and it is important that this day is organised as professionally as possible. Most other breed societies have one inspection per year so the Society is operating within perfectly acceptable conditions. The welfare of horses is very important to the Society and a suitable venue, with the possibility of overnight stabling, is an important consideration.
The cost of running inspections currently far outweighs the charge made to owners. The Society believes this is fair and takes account of the fact that some owners will have travel and accommodation expenses. If inspectors were to travel to private premises the cost to the owner might be considerable.
In order for the inspection system to work properly, it is vitally important that it is centrally organised by our Registrar who maintains the Stud Book and Registers. Horses inspected outside the auspices of the Society cannot be properly registered with the HSGB and this will impact in the future if the owner wishes to breed or take part in the Breed Show.
The Inspection process will continue to be assessed and appraised, and the Committee welcomes constructive comments and criticism through the appropriate channels.
Colt and Filly Gradings
Inspection only takes one day of your Haflinger’s future but that day is one of the most important days and well worth the effort it takes to get there.
A letter inviting you to bring your animal for inspection will be sent out in good time before the inspection date. This letter will also give details of the venue and the facilities available for our use. Inspections usually take place at the National Haflinger Breed Show.
If you are unable to attend on the scheduled date, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can make alternative arrangements.
Pre-inspection and inspection times will be sent out approx 2/3 weeks before inspection day so you will know exactly what time your horse will be inspected.
Before the day the Registrar will help and advise on issues or questions that you may have. If you do not receive your paperwork or want to check on any of the arrangements you should contact Donna Sutton.
On the day, the Inspection Team will be on hand to help with any issues or questions you may have. They will treat you and your horse with care and consideration and keep the proceedings running smoothly to ensure that you both have a positive experience. Additionally, members of the Haflinger Society Committee will be available to lend a hand should you need it.
Our inspection team is made up of a mixture of British and European judges. We are proud of our team – they have had many years of experience in the UK and have a broad range of knowledge and experience in judging and inspecting Haflingers. In Britain we have always striven to maintain our Breed Standards according to the standards laid down by the Stud Book of Origin of the Breed. This has been done since the inception of our inspections in the 1970s and we still maintain those same high standards today.
Although they will be busy during the day, all of our inspectors will be available afterward to answer any questions or queries that you may have. Additionally, if there is sufficient interest, they will run through what they are looking for when inspecting horses.
Before the day
Horses need to be brought forward for inspection in good condition. It is better that they are not overweight; nor should they lack condition.
Some training for running out in hand at walk and trot should have been given before the inspection, as they will be expected to walk and trot out on the triangle reasonably calmly.
Your Haflinger should be taught to stand quietly whilst the following is undertaken:
height girth and bone measured.
teeth, eyes and navel checked
markings checked against passport
scanned for I D microchip
DNA sample taken (hair from mane)
photographing head (for markings) and a side view
Horses should be presented unshod, but it is desirable that they should have been trimmed in the weeks before the inspection. If shod, a minimum of a centimeter will be deducted from the measured height.
The handler should be capable of holding the horse and presenting it in a safe and suitable manner.
If your horse has never been boxed it is a good idea to practice this sometime before the inspection day to give it some experience of traveling in a trailer.
If your horse needs a companion you may bring one with you.
Presentation of horses
As for in-hand showing class
It is preferable that they should be clean with a tidy coat, mane and tail
Bridle with snaffle bit, in-hand bridle, or leather headcollar with lead rein.
Every care will be taken to keep horses safe, but if you know your horse is defensive please inform the officials and keep your horse away from others.
Presentation of handlers
Handlers should wear smart showing attire, suitable shoes, and gloves. A hard hat is advisable and a whip is permitted.
Inspection of horses
Anyone involved in the breeding of the horse should not be involved in the inspection process – only the handler of the horse will be allowed in the ring.
You will be allocated a time that your Haflinger will be measured and DNA tested (DNA testing only applies for colts) and, additionally, a time when your Haflinger will be inspected.
You should present your horse to the inspectors reasonably square (non-mane side towards inspectors) whilst they make their assessment and apportions marks.
When asked, walk in a straight line to the required point on the triangle, turn correctly and retrace the line back to the inspector.
Trot actively and straight to 1st point on the triangle (away from inspectors)
Lengthen stride in trot on the far side (across inspectors line of vision)
Trot actively and straight towards inspectors
Halt and stand up (as above) until asked to leave the arena by the inspectors.
Don’t worry if this all goes wrong. It is not like a show and you will be given a chance to trot the horse out again should you need it.
After Inspections
You will receive your passport back from the Registrar team as you will need your passport to transport your horse home, so we ask you to send it to us once you’re back for the permanent registration number to be updated together with the marks page and photograph following approval. Please note your horse cannot be permanently registered until we have your passport back for updating.
Your horse will be given a grade and a Rosette denoting the grade achieved.
The inspection team will give you some feedback on your marks and if you need to know more they will be happy to speak to you later on.
Inspection is a breeder’s tool, not a competition. It enables you to understand the good points and slightly weaker points of your mare, which you can then use when choosing a stallion to breed your mare to.
We hope that you really enjoy your day at the Inspections. It is great fun to see this year’s crop of mares (and sometimes colts) coming forward and to see the improvement in the Breed year on year. Who knows – you may even fall in love with one of them and decide to go home with two! Alternatively, you may spot your future stallion. It certainly wouldn’t be the first time!
Registration of Haflingers born in the UK
Owners of foals need to obtain a passport for them by 1st October in the year of their birth, or by six months after their birth, whichever is later.
Transfer of ownership
When a horse is sold a transfer certificate form must be completed by both the vendor and the purchaser. The passport, along with the completed ’Transfer Certificate’ and necessary fee must be sent to the Stud Book Manager within those 30 days in order that the passport can be amended to record the new owner.
Gelding Registration
As soon as a colt is gelded permanent registration must be applied for.
Prefix Registration
Any prefix that you wish to use when registering your foals must be registered with the Society.
Address Change
As a Society we need to keep our data base up to date, once an owner moves house the address change form and passport are required to be sent to the Stud Book Manager.
The Society is delighted to accept foals born through both Artificial Insemination and via Embryo Transfer. Please ensure you read the relevant section of the Stud Book rules to ensure you comply with current requirements. Any stallions used must be proven to have no foreign blood in their pedigree if you wish to register the foal as purebred.
The Society can only register purebred Haflingers in the breeding section of the studbook.
Since Brexit we can only registered horses that are registered in stud books recognised by DEFRA as Recognised EU breeding societies for equine species. The stud books we can register horses from are detailed below, along with their contact details:
Country | Breeding Body | Contact |
Austria | Haflinger Pferdezuchtverband Tirol | |
Croatia | Hrvatska agencija za poljoprivredu i hranu | |
Czech Republic | Asociace svazů chovatelů koní ČR | |
Denmak | Haflinger Avlsforeningen Danmark | |
France | Association Française du Haflinger | |
Germany | Verband der Pony und Pferdezüchter Hessen e.V. | |
Germany | Pferdestammbuch Schleswig-Holstein/Hamburg e.V | |
Germany | Verband der Pferdezüchter Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V. | |
Germany | Verband der Pony und Kleinpferdezüchter Hannover e.V., Vor den Höfen 32 | |
Germany | Landesverband Bayerischer Pferdezüchter e.V. | |
Germany | Pferdstammbuch Weser-Ems e.V. | |
Germany | Zuchtverband fur Deutsche Pferde | |
Germany | Rheinisches Pferdestammbuch e.V. | |
Germany | Pferdezuchtverband Brandenburg-Anhalt e.V. | |
Germany | Westfälisches Pferdestammbuch e.V | |
Hungary | Póni és Kislótenyésztők Országos Egyesülete | |
Italy | Associazione Nazionale Allevatori Cavalli di Razza Haflinger Italiana (ANACRHAI) | |
Netherlands | Koninklijke Vereniging ‘Het Nederlandse Trekpaard en de Haflinger’ | |
Netherlands | Nederlands Haflinger Paarden Stamboek | |
Slovakia | National Stud Farm, Topoľčianky, š.p.“ (Zväz chovateľov koní na Slovensku – družstvo) | |
Sweden | Svenska Hästavelsförbundet | |
To help you establish whether a horse is purebred or not, we need the following questions answered by the Haflinger Society that the horse was imported from.
1 - Is the horse registered in your purebred studbook?
2 - Does the horse have any foreign blood within his/her pedigree? If yes what is the %
3 - Have both parents passed inspection in their own country?
4 - Please provide us with a 6 generation pedigree.
There have been significant changes since Brexit so please refer to the government guidelines to ensure you meet all DEFRA regulations.
Export horses and ponies: special rules - GOV.UK (
DNA Testing
In accordance with the Society ruling, all breeding stallions must be DNA tested. Both Fillies & Colts attending their three-year-old inspection will have hair samples taken that can either be kept in their individual file held by the Society or processed immediately. The fillies will have the hair sample held for record-keeping purposes should a DNA test need to be conducted.
Central Equine Database
As a PIO we are required to record horse and owner details for all passports issued. These details are passed to the CED (Central Equine Database) who will publish details of your horse on the public CED website. Your personal details will not be displayed on the site but are available to enforcement bodies and may be used in the event of a disease outbreak. That is why it is essential to transfer horses into new owners’ names and also inform the Society of any change of permanent address in case anything should occur in your area.