Owning/ loaning / riding a Haflinger is only part of the story. When you become connected with Haflingers you can also be part of the Haflinger Society of GB. It is well worth it as there is so much knowledge and support from our members and we encourage membership as a way of supporting the breed in the UK. It doesn’t cost much and we find that our members enjoy being part of a wider community all dedicated to this wonderful breed.
Membership for 2025 open now!
Some of the many member benefits include:
Digital FOH
Eligibility to enter your registered Haflinger in our Annual Breed Show.
Access to yearly inspections.
Regular online dressage competitions.
Online shows.
Annual bursaries and training awards.
Eligibility to enter Haflinger showing classes at The Royal Windsor Show, The Royal Norfolk Show, The Royal Three Counties.
Access to our members-only Facebook page that will keep you up to date with coming events and news, got a question that’s Haflinger related to get it answered there.
Reduced rate for transfers, passports, and registrations.
Judges training program.
The opportunity to enter our Performance Points Awards Scheme, which runs from 1st April to 31st March.
Exclusive HSGB merchandise, including a fabulous range of clothing.
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